These days most people read digital content on multiple devices. Being able to design content for multiple target devices can be done with the AEM Mobile layout renditions feature. Renditions of a browse page for the same collection can be created for use on tablets, phones, and the Desktop Web Viewer using different layout and card settings. The settings for each target device will determine the appearance of the browse page.

Create Layout Template with Renditions

  1. Create a new layout template or open an existing tablet layout template. This will be the default layout template upon which the renditions will be based.
  2. Choose settings for this default layout template that can apply to all target devices. This will cut down on the need to edit the same settings multiple times for each rendition.
    Note: When new renditions are created, they inherit the settings from the default tablet rendition. However, changes made after that will apply only to the renditions in which the changes are made. Card mapping rules and any changes made are applied to all renditions.
  3. Create a phone layout rendition. Select Phone and then click the Add Layout button.
  4. Click Create Layout.
  5. With Phone selected, modify card and layout settings to work specifically in a phone browse page.
  6. Use the device menu to choose different devices to preview.
  7. Save the Layout and assign it to an imported collection or to an existing collection.

    phone layout3

Additional Layout Rendition Notes

  • To delete a layout rendition, select the device and click the trash can icon at the bottom of the device menu. Note: There is no warning message when you click the icon.
  • To use a layout rendition other than the tablet layout rendition as the default, select the device and choose Make Default at the bottom of the device menu.
  • Layout renditions will be listed with each layout template. The image below shows two renditions, tablet and phone.

layout template two renditions

Get our infographic How Adobe Experience Manager Mobile Works for a visual reference guide to creating AEM Mobile apps, organizing content, and much more!

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Note: Information contained in this post is current at the time of posting. Visit the Technology for Publishing News & Events blog for the latest info on Adobe software releases and functionality.

Posted by: Monica Murphy

Monica Murphy has worked in the publishing industry for over 30 years supporting publishing operations of various sizes. In her role as Technical Product Manager for Technology for Publishing, she shares her publishing application expertise supporting a broad range of publishing clients in InDesign best practices, cross-platform content workflows, and InDesign Template strategies. Her weekly tip and blog posts have a committed following in the InDesign community, and as a long-time participant in the InDesign pre-release community, she regularly analyzes and provides feedback for upcoming features. Monica manages the authoring and publication of Technology for Publishing’s handbooks on InDesign, InCopy, and other associated titles.