recommended reading

TFP’s December Book Picks: Your Top Reads of 2015

Disruptive technologies. Distributed content models. Globalization and transformation. The publishing business has certainly seen some seismic shifts in 2015, bringing both challenges and opportunities. We hope our monthly recommended reading lists have provided you with the resources you need to learn about these ...


TFP’s November Book Picks: Social Media Strategy

There’s no question social media is (or absolutely should be!) a key component of every publisher’s content strategy today. Given the fact that a huge chunk of publishers’ online traffic is now driven by social and direct-to-social distribution models are quickly ramping up, the ...


Surviving as a Designer in a Digital World

Mobile-first, articlization, effective storytelling, long-form journalism, free vs. paywall, responsiveness and fluidity, device independence, tappable design . . . Is your head spinning yet? Publication designers today are challenged with not only understanding myriad new terms and content delivery approaches, ...


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