
INFOGRAPHIC: What’s Ahead in Content Marketing

Content Marketing Predictions infographic

To help you plan for the new year, we’re highlighting an infographic from Curata that offers a roundup of content marketing projections from industry experts, broken down into six categories: measurement, technology, distribution, personalization, content supply chain, and organizational structure. It provides insights on not ...


INFOGRAPHIC: Social Media and Mobile Trends in 2014

This week’s infographic pick, from data analysis firm AddThis, highlights the year’s biggest social media trends from around the world, covering  everything from the growth of social and mobile to the events that generated the most traffic. One site that saw a huge jump was Vietnamese ...


INFOGRAPHIC: What's New in iOS 8?

This week’s infographic pick from Dot Com Infoway highlights important advances in iOS 8, including some 4,000 new APIs that allow developers to build more engaging iPhone and iPad apps and better customize the user experience. It also looks at Apple’s overhaul of the ...


INFOGRAPHIC: 'Tis the Season for Social Media

With the holiday season around the corner, marketers are focusing on how to drive greater sales and brand reach through social media outlets. According to an Offerpop survey, highlighted in an infographic on AllTwitter‘s website, more than two-thirds of respondents will increase ...


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