Publishing Trends

5 Steps for Incorporating Change Management

Publishers are dealing with extraordinary challenges as they try to shift content business strategies while reshaping the inner behaviors and DNA of their operations to support new goals. Refreshing one’s thinking about change management and how it can best support ...


INFOGRAPHIC: 'Tis the Season for Social Media

With the holiday season around the corner, marketers are focusing on how to drive greater sales and brand reach through social media outlets. According to an Offerpop survey, highlighted in an infographic on AllTwitter‘s website, more than two-thirds of respondents will increase ...


INFOGRAPHIC: Growing Pains for 'Brand Newsrooms'

Content marketing is quickly evolving, but today’s “brand newsrooms” face some significant challenges in finding the resources they need to produce enough content to engage their audiences. In fact, lack of time is a big problem for 69% of content marketers, with only ...


INFOGRAPHIC: The Evolution of Storytelling

This week’s infographic pick from Carabiner Communications, posted on MarketProfs‘ website, takes a nostalgic look at how storytelling has changed over the past 10 years. And what a decade it’s been! From blogs to wearable technology, the ways in which we communicate have evolved dramatically, and for better or worse, ...


INFOGRAPHIC: CMOs Not Sold on Social Media

With all the noise around social media’s potential to drive sales and brand awareness, you’d think it would be at the top of every CMO’s list. But that’s not the case, according to an OutMarket infographic posted on the SocialTimes website. While highlighting social ...


INFOGRAPHIC: What Are People Reading?

To celebrate its first year in business, ebook subscription service Scribd put together a fun infographic that explores what people are reading. It found that mind, body, and spirit and business titles are big in the nonfiction world, but many readers don’t finish ...


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