
INFOGRAPHIC: Get With the Program

Programming infographic

Java, C++, or Python? Many of our daily activities are now dependent on some kind of software, yet most users know little about the way it works. In fact, Bloomberg just highlighted the need to make programmming languages like Java, C++, and Python more accessible to ...


INFOGRAPHIC: Social Media, Then and Now

Social media infographic

Can we chat? While social media is often thought of as a recent phenomenom, it’s actually been around since the 1970s, starting with newsgroups like Usenet and the BBS (Bulletin Board System). Later, in the ’80s, the first chat groups and online portals launched, ...


INFOGRAPHIC: Top Benefits of Blogging

Business blogging infographic

Write on. According to a HubSpot report, 81% of digital marketers see blogging as a critical business process and at least 46% of Internet users read blogs at least once a day. Those are some big numbers, highlighting how essential blogging is to successful ...


INFOGRAPHIC: Creating a Culture of Content

A business that achieves an internal culture of content is one that inspires employees—not just those in marketing—to create content for both internal and external consumption. It’s a place where, as Ann Handley of MarketingProfs says, “Everybody writes.”

Ready, set, write. As this week’s infographic from Bloomfire points out, Bill Gates was spot on with his 1990s “Content Is King” article. Yet in 2015, many organizations are still struggling to find the key to content success. What are they missing? A ...


INFOGRAPHIC: The Online Content Generation Gap

Generational content gap infographic

Who’s reading what?  Here’s an infographic jam-packed with facts and figures on how different generations consume digital content, providing a breakdown by baby boomer, millennial, and Generation X users. Based on a survey of 1,200 people, this week’s pick from Fractl and Buzzstream, posted on Social Times, looks ...


INFOGRAPHIC: What Men Wear in Wearables

Men's wearable tech infographic

What are you wearing? No longer considered nerd gear, wearable tech is big among fitness-minded users for tracking and customizing health and training information and goals. But fashion still counts—and that’s true for men as well as women, according to this week’s infographic, based on a ...



Hashtag infographic

Why use hashtags? And where do they work best? This week’s infographic pick from SurePayroll addresses those questions and offers some best practices for successful hashtag campaigns. As you likely know, hashtags are an easy way to find and follow conversations and track promotions ...


INFOGRAPHIC: Test Your Generational IQ

Gen IQ infographic

While the content business has been focused on millennial audiences for some time now, figuring out what motivates the emerging Generation Z demographic is key, as it represents the “future of consumer behavior,” says Jamie Gutfreund, chief marketing officer at Deep Focus, maker ...


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